Energy management system

As one of the first companies in germany Blechwarenfabrik Limburg was certified after ISO 50001.

In the focus is the systematic and continous improvement of energy efficiency.

Discovering of cost savings

Rising energy costs reduce the profit, therefore Blechwarenfabrik Limburg conduct a weekly energy controlling. In doing so weak points should traced and eliminated. The result are measures such the use of the heat of our paint finishing system or the use of the solar energy.

Increasing of transperency in the company

Because of the weekly recording of the energy consumption is it possible to collate the energy consumption at the individuell departments and hence also an allocation of the energy costs to the cost centers.

Improving of competitiveness

Because of the collection of all energy consumptions it is possible to make a ranking between the big energy user in the company.

Reduction of CO2-emissions

A reduction in energy consumption leads also to a reduce in environmental impact.


Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH | Anna-Ohl-Straße 1 | D-65555 Limburg | Tel.: +49 (0)6431 299-0 | | info(at)