Our employees - Guarantor of success


That is what we offer ....


  • Performance-linked wages until the metal tariff with a 35 h working week
  • Christmas- / holiday payment
  • Annual assessment of performance
  • Individuell and goal-oriented on the job training and advancement 


Active and fit BL!

In the context of health prevention we offer ....


  • Alternating checkups
  • Flu vaccinations
  • Collaborations with health partners
  • an extensive health program with nutrition classes, Non-smoking courses, running events and much more .....

Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH | Anna-Ohl-Straße 1 | D-65555 Limburg | Tel.: +49 (0)6431 299-0 | www.blechwaren-limburg.de | info(at)blef.biz