The congress embraces all new technical developments in formulating and testing coatings for interior and exterior wood applications.
Blechwarenfabrik Limburg will present their new product LIFOKA. LIFOKA is a regristered trademark for film lamination coating the interior of tin plate packaging. LIFOKA is an alternative to classical organic interior coating using resin particularly for water-based filling goods.
Since around beginning of the 2000s the market has increasing fought against corrosion in well-established tin plate packaging, in particular since the new or altered tresholds in the VOC Directive, the Bicide Regulation an the REACH Regulation became binding, which meant that many coating recipes had to be adapted or newly developed. The requirements for stable packaging solutions for fillers, above all for water-based coatings and varnishes with chlorine or iodine containing compounds (e.g. IPBC), have changed or new siccatives have been developed.
In addition to altered solvent compositions (with water-based coaatings and varnishes aggressive substances are frequently required to dissolve pigment than with purely solvent-based systems) currently unknown products which dissolve or break down other products may also represent a problem for the filling and packaging over the storage period.
For this reason Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH has coated tin plate sheets in film since 2007, a technique which was initially used for punched components such as rings, lids and bases. Firstly, the advantages of the containers are that they are extremly watertight as a result of the high amount of dynamic friction between the cover and, secondly they are resistant against unavoidable dissolving products which are frequently stored in the base of the can. This technique of film coating was further development in 2013 and the film recessed into the weld joint and harmonised powder seam coating cover were achieved. Blechwarenfabrik Limburg is now in a position to offer a tin can complete with an inner foil coating to the market.
In addition to the benefits of this system which have been already stated, there is not only improved energy footprint brought about by foregoing the gas-powered drying ovens which are now no longer needed and the fact that the material BPA free as well as the high level of abrasive resistance and the lower risk of damage which speak on behalf of the new system.