Corporate Policy

The corporate policy is a key element of Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH and its subsidiaries FPS, ADL, BLM, BLL, BLR, and Baltic Packaging. We strive for partnerships that benefit all stakeholders. This means closely involving our partners – whether they are customers, suppliers, service providers, or employees – in our actions and decisions.

1. Top Priority
The safety of people, the environment, and facilities is our top priority. Equally, the quality of our products, the efficient use of energy and raw materials, and economic efficiency are central to our actions. Safety and environmental protection always take precedence in all decisions. No activity is so important that it cannot be carried out safely.

2. Open Communication
Transparent and open communication with our employees, customers, authorities, suppliers, and other interested parties is essential to us.

3. Customer Orientation and Quality
Our goal is to be noticeably better, faster, and more innovative than our competitors for our customers.

4. Commitment to Environmental Protection and Energy Efficiency
Environmental protection is essential to us. We minimize environmental impacts and promote energy-efficient products and services. Our processes are continuously optimized to improve energy performance.

5. Continuous Improvement
We are committed to continuously and sustainably optimizing occupational safety, environmental performance, energy efficiency, facility safety, product quality, and our management systems. A central component of this commitment is providing all necessary information and resources to achieve our goals effectively. This continuous improvement also supports the long-term economic stability and competitiveness of our company.

6. Compliance with Requirements
We are committed to complying with all applicable legal and regulatory requirements as well as other relevant obligations. To this end, we provide the necessary information, resources, and an appropriate organizational framework.

7. Sustainability and Climate Change
Our contribution to climate protection includes promoting renewable energies, reducing CO₂ emissions, and supporting the circular economy. Sustainable business practices ensure the long-term preservation of the environment.

8. Risk Prevention
We avoid accidents, environmentally relevant disruptions, quality defects, and energy waste. To achieve this, we use risk assessments, stress analyses, safety inspections, and continuous development of our management systems. We are committed to eliminating hazards and continuously reducing risks.

9. Efficient Resource Utilization
Our suggestion system supports energy and material efficiency as well as improving product quality. We use resources efficiently and continuously improve our energy performance.

10. Responsibility of All Employees
Every employee is responsible for health protection, safety, environmental protection, quality, and energy efficiency. Managers have a special role model function and promote awareness and commitment in their teams through guidance and training.

11. Training and Competence
Through regular training and further education, we ensure that our employees acquire and apply the necessary knowledge and skills. They fully identify with the principles of safety, environmental, and quality awareness.

12. Involvement of Partners
Our partners are obligated to apply this corporate policy when working with our company. We promote close collaboration and clear communication to achieve common goals.

13. Health Promotion
The health of our employees is a key priority. With preventive programs and safe working conditions, we contribute to maintaining our employees' performance and sustainably reducing absenteeism. By regularly consulting and involving our employees and their representatives, we create a trustworthy foundation to identify risks early and implement measures to improve working conditions.

With our integrated management system, we guarantee the highest standards in quality management, occupational safety, energy, and environmental protection. We continuously improve these standards to achieve our corporate goals.

Blechwarenfabrik Limburg GmbH | Anna-Ohl-Straße 1 | D-65555 Limburg | Tel.: +49 (0)6431 299-0 | | info(at)